You all would be using Encryption - Decryption of MaxL script containing userID and password for Essbase server. But I just thought of posting it in my blog so that if some of you want a quick reference without going to Technical Reference guide.
Follow the below easy steps to encrypt and decrypt the MaxL script:
Step 1: Create a simple MaxL script (Loginscript.mxl) to login into Essbase server using MaxL commands login on ;
Step 2: Run essmsh -gk command to generate Encryption and Decryption code
D:\oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\EssbaseRTC\\bin>essmsh -gk
Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.2 (ESB11.
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle
and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
Public Key for Encryption: 13005,692804953
Private Key for Decryption: 565324885,692804953
MaxL Shell completed
Step 3: Encrypt Loginscript.mxl by issuing the below command along with Encryption Code generated above. This would create an encrypted MaxL script with extension Loginscript.mxls
D:\oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\EssbaseRTC\\bin>essmsh -Em D:\
Scripts\Loginscript.mxl 13005,692804953
Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.2 (ESB11.
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle
and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
Step 4: Open the file Loginscript.mxls to check whether the userID and Password got encrypted or not.
login $key 225460064724436062164017310 $key 137249360634406684332940616180146296;
Step 5: If you want to execute encrypted file, run the below command with decryption code
D:\oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\EssbaseRTC\\bin>essmsh -D D:\S
cripts\Loginscript.msh.txts 565324885,692804953
Essbase MaxL Shell - Release 11.1.2 (ESB11.
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle
and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
MAXL> login $key 225460064724436062164017310 $key 37249360634406684332940616180
OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user [admin@Native Directory].
OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase.
MAXL> logout;
User admin is logged out
MaxL Shell completed
Hope these simple steps would help you all while encryting and executing an encrypted MaxL script
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Follow the below easy steps to encrypt and decrypt the MaxL script:
Step 1: Create a simple MaxL script (Loginscript.mxl) to login into Essbase server using MaxL commands login
Hope these simple steps would help you all while encryting and executing an encrypted MaxL script
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Thanks for your post. My English is not good. After complete the process, I get the following error when I execute an import from script. MAXL> import database A.B data connect as $key 2536186353272047144051965242213284093351946627234351247240834976806671 identified by $key 0589887211096716165438495929444976806671 using rules_file ldDatos on error write to '/export/home/obiee/logs_essbase/errores.err';
ReplyDeleteERROR - 1242021 - (1) Syntax error near ['"8349628481,1778913814"'].
MaxL Shell completed with error
Can you help me? Thanks