Wednesday, April 8, 2009


If you have being using Calc Scripts in your Essbase database, I am sure you may have got confused when to use CALC DIM and when to use AGG for aggregation.

Here is the difference

CALC DIM (Product);
This line calculates the Product dimension doing both outline
aggregation (such as rolling all the Colas up into the parent
value) and member formulas, if they exist for members in that
dimension. If we want to calculate multiple dimensions using
this command (say, Market and Product), just separate them
with commas:
CALC DIM (Market, Product);
Remember how we said that “CALC DIM” not only does
aggregation but also member formulas? Well, how many member
formulas are there in the Market and Product dimensions?
That’s right: none, so “CALC DIM” is wasting time looking for
formulas that you know aren’t there. For sparse dimensions that
don’t have formulas, there’s a command that only does aggregation
and as such, is usually faster:
AGG (Market, Product);

Hope this would have made you some what comfortable about CALC DIM and AGG

So go on scripting


  1. Great, it helped me alot.... Thanks

  2. Perfect!, muchas gracias ;)

  3. 5 years later and this is still useful; thanks!

  4. Truth has no expiration, it is helpful today as wll
