Sunday, November 9, 2014

Creating Partition for Essbase applications


I am sure you all have created partitions for Essbase applications to cater to specific business requirement using EAS. However, last time when I was trying to create a partition, I was continuously getting an error message while validating the partition :

"Validation was not successful. Please see the errors".

However it does not show any errors in the "Messages" panel. Also I could not find any errors in application / essbase server log (If anyone know where the error messages are stored for partitions, please let me know).

Although I was doing everything right while creating the partitioning - Areas section, mapping section, cell count... everything was correct, still I was getting above error.

While doing research on this error, I found that, the Essbase server which was configured with EAS was showing "EssbaseCluster-1" - This is the default connection which gets created while configuring the Essbase Server with EAS.

Just for my curiosity, I added another connection for the same Essbase server with the host name ("Server Name:Port"). When I did this and tried creating the same partition, it went through.

Again, this is from my experience. Hence please do your own investigation/ research before you recommend this.

Hope this helps we all.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Using ESSUTF8 Utility for Unicode ASO Cube Dim Build


It has been long that I have shared any article / topic in my blog. Actually I was too busy with my current projects / assignment.

However, few days back I found an interesting utility while building UNICODE DIMENSIONS for Essbase ASO cube.

When you use Essbase Studio to build Unicode ASO cube dimensions, the in-build features of Essbase Studio take cares of building Unicode ASO Cube dimensions while connecting Relation Database with Essbase Cube.

However, when you are suppose to build Unicode ASO cube dimensions using ASCII format files via MaxL command, you are in trouble. You get dimension build errors (Command Failed. Return Status = 1054036).
However the same MaxL runs perfectly on the EAS MaxL editor.

There are few ways to make this run using MaxL on command.

Option 1 : Create the MaxL using EAS MaxL editor. While saving the MaxL into a file, check the "Unicode" check box which appears at the bottom of the Save File option window. Use this file to run on MaxL Command

Option 2: Use /ESSUTF8.exe utility stored at the path arbor path(Essbase Server Path)/bin

essutf8 -b -s  

and use this MaxL file to run on MaxL command. you can find more details of using ESSUTF8 utility in the link

Hope this helps.

Happy sharing