While working/reading through number of blogs, I found an interesting article on CDF Essbase calc script utility function 'JExtendedExportTo' which can be used to export specific (tailored) data from Essbase using Calc Script. I liked the article too much and thought of sharing in my blog.
Here is the details of the function:
Exports (extended) the data to a text file or relational database (using either JDBC or JDBC-ODBC bridge).
* @param targetType The type of export (file, dsn or jdbc).
* @param targetName The name of the destination (see use). This file name must be used to close the file after the calculation completes.
* @param delimiter The character to use to delimit the fields (see use). Accepts "tab" for tab delimited.
* @param textQualifier text qualifier. Accepts "quotes" for " qualifier.
* @param tableName The name of the table (see use).
* @param strArgs An array of strings (member names). Use "" if you are not exporting members names.
* @param dblArgs An array of values (data). Use 0 if you are not exporting Data values.
* @param decimalPoints An array of int values that sets decimal points per column. Use -1 to return the stored number.
* @param replaceMiss an array of String values that replaces #Missing per column.
* #Missing can be replaced with any text or a number such as "0".
* @cdf.maxl CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION '@JExtendedExportTo'
* AS 'com.oracle.essbase.cdf.ExportTo.ExportToTarget(String,String,String,String,String,String[],double[],int[],String[])'
* SPEC '@JExtendedExportTo(targetType,targetName,delimiter,textQualifier,tableName,strArgs,dblArgs,intDecPts,replaceMi)'
* COMMENT 'Exports the data to a text file or relational database (using either JDBC or JDBC-ODBC bridge).';
* @cdf.use
* Export to a text file:
* arg 1: specify "file" to export to a text file
* arg 2: file name. This file name must be used to close the file after the calculation completes
* arg 3: delimiter. Accepts "tab" for tab delimited.
* arg 4: text qualifier. Accepts "quotes" for " qualifier.
* arg 5: leave blank when exporting to text files
* arg 6: an array of member names (Use "" if you are not exporting members names)
* arg 7: an array of data (Use 0 if you are not exporting Data values)
* arg 8: an array of int values that sets decimal points per column (use -1 to return the stored number)
* arg 9: an array of String values that replaces #Missing per column.
* #Missing can be replaced with any text or a number such as "0".
@list("NONE","0","0","#Mi","0","0","0","#Mi","0","0","0","#Mi") ) ;
However this utility is not an in-bult Hyperion Essbase feature. You need to download and register the utility on your essbase server. Please find the details in EssbaseLabs.blogspot.com URL : http://essbaselabs.blogspot.com/2008/10/cdf-jexport-and-dynamic-members.html
Hope you will find more useful functions in this utility